Tuesday 14 May 2013

Research: Wong Kar-wai and Film Fallen Angels (1995)

Research: Wong Kar-wai and Film Fallen Angels (1995)
Wong Kar-wai – a male film director who born in July 1956 in Shanghai and moved to Hong Kong in 1963. He graduated from the Department of Art and Design of Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1980. In 1981 he participate to a trainees program of a TV channel in script writing and video direct, and he began to write script for drama. He had nominated for the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best script writing. In 1988 he wrote and directed his first film called "As Tears Go By" and had won a lot of film awards and nomination. In Hong Kong, he had known as "extraordinary talented and new generation of directors”. Besides every film he made can be seem in any film awards ceremony around the world now.
Film research: Fallen Angels (1995)
Director: Kar Wai Wong
Writer: Kar Wai Wong
Cast: Leon Lai, Michelle Reis, Takeshi Kaneshiro
"Fallen Angels" is probably discussing the relationship and the distance between people. In this film, the director has used a lot of close-up shot. General the close up shot is used to express or explain the character’s emotional and thinking, but it does not apply to this film. The director used a close up shot to explain the Indifferent of people.
In Fallen Angels, the character's face or body often occupy most part of the frame and with the use of wide angle lens, the audience can feel the strange and alienated of the characters. Likewise the two shot with wide angle lens have a similar effect – two character in the same scene but seem that they have no relationship at all. With the camera shake, mysterious lighting and background music, this film truly show the post-modem’s psychedelic feeling.

Film deconstruction:
Two shot/close up with a strange angle, cannot see the emotion of the character, but with the Black and white colour and juxtaposition to explain their relationship.
High angle shot with wide-angle lens to show the scene.
The lighting with the colour of the scene make a special effect.

Over shoulder shot with camera shake and fast walking – allow the audience to feel that the character is in hurry.
Shot through a window or door – make the audience as an observer and stalking the character.

Use the mirror to reflect the scene and character with motion. Different light source to show the different between her inner world and outside world.
Use juxtaposition to show the different between two worlds.
Wide angle close up on the face of the character to know she don’t care what happen beside herself.

She communicate people only when she needed, wide angle Medium close up in a corridor with juxtaposition.
Use mirror to reflect his loneliest (no one sit on the bus beside him).
Camera panning from different object.

Use camera angle to reflect the distance between people.
Use music and action to show her sadness.

No facial expression, but use colour tone, music and camera angle to show her emotion.
Use position and action to show the distance between people.

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