Wednesday 12 December 2012

Word in a bag - Paradisiacal: Final Outcome and Amendment

The story:

What is about?
A young male dumps by his girlfriend and use pill to release his angry and unhappy. After he took the pill, he found himself in a good dream.
But the worst is when he wakes up...

1.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Long shot on room scene with stepping sound (actor entering a room).

2.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot on room scene (actor sitting on a chair).

3.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot on pick up mobile phone with beeping sound (actor picks up a mobile phone and reading a text message).

4.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Extreme close up shot on the mobile phone and the text message.

5.   Indoor scene: 3rd person - Big close up shot of the actor’s face to show he is unhappy and angry.

6.   Indoor scene: 3rd person - Medium long shot the actor stands up and throw the mobile phone away.

7.   Indoor scene: 3rd person - Long shot the actor walk to a bed and lie down.

8 Indoor scene: 3rd person - Close up shot the actor's face and ready to change to 1st person.

9.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium long shot the actor get up and move toward a bedside cabinet.

10.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium close up shot the actor opens the cabinet and finding something, then the actor picks up a small plastic bag.

11.  Indoor scene: 1st person - Big close up shot of the hand of the actor, the actor is taking out a pill from the plastic bag.

12. Indoor scene: 1st person - Big close up shot of hand with pill. (The actor start taking the pill.)

13. Indoor scene: 1st person - Close up shot on actor’s hand, the actor pick up a glass of water.

14. Indoor scene: 1st person - Big close up shot on the glass of water. (The actor is drinking the water.)

15. Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot the around the ceiling and room with long exposure. (The actor lie down.)

16.  Indoor scene: 1st person - Long shot around the room with long exposure and the frame start shaking.

17. Indoor scene: 1 st person - Frame starts blank out with white light.

18. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Extreme close up shot the actor wake up and sore his eyes. (With sound effect of bird, tree...)

19. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Medium long shot the actor's legs(The actor is lie on a ground full of grass.)

20. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Medium long shot the area. (The actor gets up.)

21. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Long shot around the area. (The actor looking around.)

22. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Close up the actor's face.

23. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Medium close up shot the actor's face. (The actor seen to find out something.

24. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Long shot on the actor is running toward somewhere.

25. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Long shot the back of the actor and a landscape view from hill.

26. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Medium long shot the actor puts both hand up and shout.(sound effect - shout.)

27.  Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Big close up shot of actor’s facethe actor is smiling and happy.

27. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Switch to 1st person by shoot the sky.

28. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Long shot, looking around the area.

29. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot, looking sround closer.

30. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Close up, looking the ground.

31. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Big Close up, pick up a something and release it.

32. Indoor scene: 1st person: blank out.

33. Indoor scene: 3rd person: Extreme close up shot on the eye on the actor.

34.  Indoor scene: 3rd person - Big close up shot the actor’s face, which is expressionless.

35.  Indoor scene: 3rd person - Close up shot actor’s face, seen the actor is unconscious.

36. Indoor scene: 1st person - Shoot the bright white ceiling. 

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