Wednesday 12 December 2012

Word in a bag - Paradisiacal: Final Outcome and Amendment

The story:

What is about?
A young male dumps by his girlfriend and use pill to release his angry and unhappy. After he took the pill, he found himself in a good dream.
But the worst is when he wakes up...

1.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Long shot on room scene with stepping sound (actor entering a room).

2.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot on room scene (actor sitting on a chair).

3.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot on pick up mobile phone with beeping sound (actor picks up a mobile phone and reading a text message).

4.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Extreme close up shot on the mobile phone and the text message.

5.   Indoor scene: 3rd person - Big close up shot of the actor’s face to show he is unhappy and angry.

6.   Indoor scene: 3rd person - Medium long shot the actor stands up and throw the mobile phone away.

7.   Indoor scene: 3rd person - Long shot the actor walk to a bed and lie down.

8 Indoor scene: 3rd person - Close up shot the actor's face and ready to change to 1st person.

9.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium long shot the actor get up and move toward a bedside cabinet.

10.   Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium close up shot the actor opens the cabinet and finding something, then the actor picks up a small plastic bag.

11.  Indoor scene: 1st person - Big close up shot of the hand of the actor, the actor is taking out a pill from the plastic bag.

12. Indoor scene: 1st person - Big close up shot of hand with pill. (The actor start taking the pill.)

13. Indoor scene: 1st person - Close up shot on actor’s hand, the actor pick up a glass of water.

14. Indoor scene: 1st person - Big close up shot on the glass of water. (The actor is drinking the water.)

15. Indoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot the around the ceiling and room with long exposure. (The actor lie down.)

16.  Indoor scene: 1st person - Long shot around the room with long exposure and the frame start shaking.

17. Indoor scene: 1 st person - Frame starts blank out with white light.

18. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Extreme close up shot the actor wake up and sore his eyes. (With sound effect of bird, tree...)

19. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Medium long shot the actor's legs(The actor is lie on a ground full of grass.)

20. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Medium long shot the area. (The actor gets up.)

21. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Long shot around the area. (The actor looking around.)

22. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Close up the actor's face.

23. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Medium close up shot the actor's face. (The actor seen to find out something.

24. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Long shot on the actor is running toward somewhere.

25. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Long shot the back of the actor and a landscape view from hill.

26. Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Medium long shot the actor puts both hand up and shout.(sound effect - shout.)

27.  Outdoor scene: 3rd person - Big close up shot of actor’s facethe actor is smiling and happy.

27. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Switch to 1st person by shoot the sky.

28. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Long shot, looking around the area.

29. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Medium shot, looking sround closer.

30. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Close up, looking the ground.

31. Outdoor scene: 1st person - Big Close up, pick up a something and release it.

32. Indoor scene: 1st person: blank out.

33. Indoor scene: 3rd person: Extreme close up shot on the eye on the actor.

34.  Indoor scene: 3rd person - Big close up shot the actor’s face, which is expressionless.

35.  Indoor scene: 3rd person - Close up shot actor’s face, seen the actor is unconscious.

36. Indoor scene: 1st person - Shoot the bright white ceiling. 

Selected story and Ideas

Will be using story 3 for the project.

Where to shoot?


1. Home?

2. Room? - Selected, in the De Mortford student hall

3. Hotel?

4. Empty factory?


1. Castle Park?

2. Abbey Park?

3. Bradgate Park? - Selected, Bradgate Park

Concepts and ideas will be use:

1. When the actor enters the room, will be using some stepping sound.

2. When the actor sits down, will be using beeping sound as income text message.

3. At some point, will change the 3rd person view to 1st person view to increase the interaction.

4. While changing the 3rd and 1st person view, will take a close up on the actor's eye to remind the audience.

5. After the actor took the pill, will create a "dizzy" feeling.

6. While switch scene, will try different methods to make the "switch" smooth.

7. At the end, will shoot a close up of the actor with the iris wide open, but no more detail, just let the audience to guess what happen.

Techniques to be test:

1. Try lens baby or long exposure while actor entering the room to make a fatigue feeling. - Tested and confirmed not using

2. Try high ISO, flash or modelling light while taking the indoor shot. - Tested and confirmed to use high ISO

3. Try different 1st and 3rd person angle to increase the interaction.

4. Try lens baby or long exposure with the camera shaking after the actor took the pills to create a "dizzy" feeling. - Tested and confirmed to use a long exposure.

5. While switching scene, try fade out, blank out or black out. Tested and confirm to use blank out.

1st person action and concepts:

1. Drink water (close up shoot on a glass of water?)

2. Take pills (Hand is holding pill, hand moves in from far to close up?)

3. Text message (Close up on mobile phone with text message?)

4. Sore eyes

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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research in artist: Candice Breitz

Candice Breitz born in Johannesburg, 1972, and she is a multimedia artist based in Berlin.
She is also a professor of Fine Art at the Braunschweig University of Art since 2007.
In some  of her interesting video art work, she videotapes different people performing the same subject she combines it together in an individual frame but with one chorus line.
And these performing people she invited are from different background but have something in Common. For example, in the video “King (A Portrait of Michael Jackson), 2005”, all the performers in the video are fans of Michael Jackson.
Perhaps, Candice Breitz is using her video to show the power and the influence of these subject or people.

Candice Breitz's work:

Image from: King (A Portrait of Michael Jackson)

Image from'Queen ( A portrait of Madonna)'

Candice Breitz: Queen (A Portrait of Madonna) 2005/2006, clipping from Mary Scherpe on Vimeo.

Breitz video work are very creative, specially the “King” and “Queen”.
She ask different people to performing in the same subject, these people have no relationship but have one common – they love the “subject” that Breitz ask them to perform.
Different people have different mind-set and view – Breitz have shown these ideas in her video. But what if they have same belief? This belief can put people together and strengthen them.
In “King” and “Queen” video, performers sing the same track, think of same person but dance and sound in different way – it shows their personality as same as they show the same belief.

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Research in artist: Duane Michals

American  Duane Michals (born February 18, 1932) is an innovate and creative photographer. In his early years, he like painting and poetry, but subsequently became a freelance photographer working in New York. He is a symbolic photographer, which create a lot of work related to Life and death, reality and illusion. He uses a lot of image sequences to express his concept and ideas to examine or explain the human emotion and philosophy question.

Duane Michals's work:

Chance Meeting, 1969, Duane Michals

Things Are Queer, 1973Duane Michals

Dr. Heisenberg’s Magic Mirror of Uncertainty, 1998 by Duane Michals

the boogeyman, Duane Michals

spirit leaves the body (1968), duane michals

Andy Warhol, 1972,  duane michals

Duane Michals’s photo sequences work is very innovative. These photo sequence work use a set of images, put them in an order to explain a concept or story.
In many case, Michals’s sequences work are about life and death and that is why his works are mysterious, vague with some translucent elements.
Perhaps life is a loop, run though different stage, scene and time sequences.

Research in artist - Nam June Paik

Nam June Paik (1932-2006) was born in Seoul, South Korea. 1950, he went to Japan and study music at University of Tokyo. After that, he went to the University of Munich, Germany, studied music history and creation.

Nam June Paik had a strong interest in electronic sound and image interaction, he releases the contemporary art by break the boundaries of different art and media types. In the early 1960s, Nam June Paik started his new exploration based on the TV device; he put the arts, media, technology, pop culture and the new art together and combined them, and it is the start of contemporary video art in human history.
In 1963, Nam June Paik started his first solo exhibition in a villa. In this exhibition, he used TV to express his art and ideas. He made different sculptures by deconstructs, reorganizes and reinstall different TV set, and change the output of theseTV, combine his image art with these TVs. This exhibition is regarded as a milestone in the history of video art, and Nam June Paik also laid the historical status as the master of contemporary video art.

Image of Nam June Paik's work:

Nam June Paik's "Electronic Superhighway"

TV Buddha (1974)

Left:Cage (1990) Right:Robespierre (1989)

Megatron/Matrix *(1995

Nam June Paik’s works are diversity, from daily necessities to the industrial waste can become his inspiration and tools - this is also pursued and loved by many artists.
In his works he uses a lot of new technology to explore new art forms and show that an art can be change and evolve - people need to understand that the arts also need to cater to the needs of the times and progress.

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Paradisiacal image(Research)

Paradisiacal image(Research)

paradise, waterfall, Plitvicka Jezera National Park, Croatia, photo

Image from:

Image from:

Image from:

book cover of 

The Other Side of Paradise 


Noel Barber

Image from:

Paradise Cove and Spa, Anse La Raie, Mauritius

Paradise Cove and Spa, Anse La Raie, Mauritius

Paradise Cove and Spa, Anse La Raie, Mauritius

Paradise Cove and Spa, Anse La Raie, Mauritius

Image from:


Image from:

Image from:

Image from:

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Word in a bag - Paradisiacal: Story board

List: Luxury, Relaxation, Comfort, Money, Heavenly, Delightful, Religion, Happiness and Light.

Story 1: 

What is about?
A fatigue person came home after work and try to relax by sitting on a sofa. But after a while, this person found that a shower is better to release thtired.

1. Outdoor to indoor scene: Long shot: A person carrying a suitcase and enter a house with dim light and weary feeling.

2. Indoor scene: Medium Long Shot: After take-off the shoes, the actor sitting on a sofa and yawn.

 Indoor scene: Medium Shot the actor look at the clock on the wall, then get up.

 Indoor scene: Long Shot the actor goes up stairs and enter the showroom.

Indoor scene: The camera takes a close up low level shot of the actor's feet, the cloths drop down to the floor and the feet enter the shower.

 Indoor scene: Long Shot: The camera takes a shot of a steamy shower room.

 Indoor scene: The camera shot a medium close up of the actor's face with water and steam. The actor looks enjoy and relax with a smile.

 Indoor scene: The camera shot the ceiling of the room with a lot of steam then fade out.

Story 2:

What is about?
A young male has a boring life and wish something different in his life.
And he met a beautiful lady, and he has a dream of romance.
But when he wakes up, things getting worst.

1. Outdoor scene 1: (Medium long shot) A male actor wearing a sunglass and sitting on a bench on a sunny beach, he looks bored and yawn.

2. Outdoor scene 1: Camera shot in the back of the male actor (long shot), a beach ball enters the scene, then a sexy, beautiful female actor enter the scene.

3. Outdoor scene 1: Medium close up shot on the male actor, he takes Off his sunglass and look shocked.

4. Outdoor scene 1: Medium shot on the female actor with some sparkle effect.

5. Outdoor scene 1: Big Close up shot the male actor, and looks pleased and smiling.

6. Outdoor scene 1: Extreme Close up shot the male actor's face and zoom to his eye.

7. Outdoor scene 2: Fade in to a long shot with both actors sitting under a tree in a garden.

8. Outdoor scene 2 Medium shot on both actors, the female actor feeding the male actor with fruit.

9. Outdoor scene 2 Medium shot on both actors, after the feeding, the female actor runs away, and the male actor gets up and try to catch her.

10. Outdoor scene 2 Long shot on both actors play hide and seek.

11. Outdoor scene 2 Medium shot on the male actor hit a tree.

12. Outdoor scene 2 Titled Frame (long shot) on the female actor.

13. Outdoor scene 1: Long shot on the male actor gets up from the floor, and seen him fell to sleep and fall.

14. Outdoor scene 1: Very long shot on the back of the male actor, him get up and look around which found no one.

Story 3:

What is about?
A young male dumps by his girlfriend and use pill to release his angry and unhappy. After he took the pill, he found himself in a good dream.
But the worst is when he wakes up...

1.   Indoor scene: Long shot on actor entering a room.

2.   Indoor scene: Medium shot actor sitting on a chair.

3.   Indoor scene: Medium shot actor picks up a mobile phone and reading a text message.

4.   Indoor scene: Extreme close up shot on the mobile phone and the text message.

5.   Indoor scene: Big close up shot of the actor’s face to show he is unhappy and angry.

6.   Indoor scene: Medium long shot the actor stands up and throw the mobile phone away.

7.   Indoor scene: Long shot the actor walk to a bed and lie down.

8.   Indoor scene: Medium long shot the actor get up and move toward a bedside cabinet.

9.   Indoor scene: Medium close up shot the actor opens the cabinet and finding something, then the actor picks up a small plastic bag.

10.                  Indoor scene: Big close up shot of the hand of the actor, the actor is taking out a pill from the plastic bag.

11.                Indoor scene: Big close up shot of actor’s face, the actor start taking the pill.

12.                Indoor scene: Close up shot on actor’s hand, the actor pick up a glass of water.

13.                Indoor scene: Big close up shot on actor’s month, the actor is drinking the water.

14.                Indoor scene: Long shot the actor lie down again.

15.                Indoor scene: Long shot the room and the frame start shaking.

16.                Indoor scene: Frame starts blank out with white light.

17.                  Outdoor scene: Extreme close up shot the actor wake up and sore his eyes.

18.                Outdoor scene: Medium long shot the actor lie on a ground full of grass.

19.                Outdoor scene: Medium long shot the actor gets up.

20.                Outdoor scene: Long shot the actor looking around.

21.                Outdoor scene: Very long shot the actor is standing on the top of a hill.

22.                Outdoor scene: Medium close up shot the actor still looking around, and then the actor seen to find out something.

23.                Outdoor scene: Long shot on the actor is running toward somewhere.

24.                Outdoor scene: Long shot the back of the actor and a landscape view from hill.

25.                Outdoor scene: Medium long shot the actor puts both hand up and shout.

26.                Outdoor scene: Big close up shot of actor’s face, the actor is smiling and happy.

27.                Outdoor scene: Extreme close up shot on the eye on the actor.

28.                Indoor scene: Extreme close up shot on the eye on the actor.

29.                Indoor scene: Big close up shot the actor’s face, which is expressionless.

30.                Indoor scene: Close up shot actor’s face, seen the actor is unconscious.

31.                Indoor scene: camera zooms out from Medium close up to Long Shot, the actor has no movement.

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